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Friday, September 01, 2006

It's going to be announced tomorrow, so I feel pretty comfortable finally sharing it with the world: I've been given the incredible opportunity to work with the talented folks at frog design up in Austin. The creative consultancy titan is bringing me on as a Senior Design Technologist next month.

This exciting move brings to a close nine memorable and immensely rewarding years working at USAA. I started my web development career by working on relatively small projects for USAA's corporate intranet, but was quickly pulled aside to design and develop USAA's first presentation framework for their member-facing site with another developer and graphic designer. Over the years, that initial team of three has grown and evolved into an all-star cast of designers and producers who bring quality, usable web applications to life across the enterprise. I will miss all of them and will certainly do everything in my power to stay in touch.

For the next week-and-a-half, I'll be doing what I can to help minimize the impact of the Technical UI Architect void I'm leaving behind at work, as well as selling our home and preparing for the move from San Antonio to Austin. With some luck, both transitions will go smoothly and none will be worse for wear.


Anonymous JRF ...

A congratulatory gif for you!

Blogger Lee ...

Thanks for the nod on your blog. Everyone, go check out the pixel frog he churned out just for me. It's awesome times 10.


Anonymous Shannon ...

Congrats! You can't go wrong with frogs!

Anonymous Luke ...

Congrats Lee!!!

Anonymous Luke ...

Congrats Lee!!!

Blogger particleman ...

this is so awesome that i'm giving you a double congrats. one on jr's page, one on your page. congrats!

Blogger Lee ...

Thanks! Keep an eye out for a slew of how-awesome-is-this-place posts come early October... along with a bunch of how-crappy-is-my-commute posts to balance things out.

Anonymous Shannon ...


Blogger billybobtexas ...

Way 2 cool! You are gonna be famous.

Anonymous McD :) ...

Yes, many congratulations... I am SO happy for you, and expect that you'll have a great time and a wonderful experience there. We'll miss ya', although you aren't too far for the occasional party (whoot Jon -- nice party!).

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